This exhibition presents Josef Strau and Adriana Lara, in a sudden collaboration with a common interest in writing and publishing. Pazmaker, a text based fanzine published irregularly since 2005 in Mexico City, is Adriana Lara’s remaining project in the art production/promotion office Perros Negros, proposed initially in 2003 as a flexible and ongoing team. As a way to keep the office running Perros Negros produces works from time to time, most of them collaborations between artists and the office. One of these is presented in this exhibition as “Perros Negros presents Josef Strau’s solo edition of Pazmaker” together with two individual works by both artists and the first solo issue of Pazmaker, where a selection of existing texts by Josef have been compiled and published. The difference between a normal collaboration and a Perros Negros work is that it is signed by a dog’s paw, that might be worth nothing in a few years. But who knows if even these can fall in the somehow circular replica path that art takes for the sake of symbolic value. Art-Document-Press-Art
For further information or images please contact Martin Rasmussen: +44 (0)20 7729 9888 or: martin@vilmagold.com
6A Minerva St
Adriana Lara, Josef Strau & Perros Negros
16 Oct – 16 Nov 2013