Michaela Eichwald is a German artist based in Berlin. For her first solo exhibition at Vilma Gold, Eichwald will present a series of new paintings and sculptures.
“Although Michaela Eichwald has been an artist, writer and protagonist of the Cologne art scene since the 1990s, it is only relatively recently that she has begun to venture regularly into gallery spaces with her multi-disciplinary work. Her neo-bohemian bricolaged sculptures and small, cultivatedly naive ‘bad’ paintings suggest life beyond their simple means. The artist’s New York début show, ‘Ergriffenes Dasein: Artist Writer Mentalist’, included such reconfigured found objects as metal Tchotchkes rescued from an incinerator. Sculptures such as Neues aus dem Ahrtal (News from the Ahrtal, 2008) – made from resin poured into a bag filled with found objects such as a watch with no face, a bunch of mussels, pills and coins – suggest that her wit-filled works are part quirky time capsules and part subjective anti-monuments.”
Dominic Eichler, Frieze Art Fair Yearbook 2008-9
Eichwald’s recent solo exhibitions include Total Awareness Of All Dimensions (Dimensions Variable) at the Aachener Kunstverein (2009), Reena Spaulings, New York (2008) and Europian Kunsthalle c/o Ebertplatz, Cologne (2008). She has exhibited widely in museum group shows including Kunsthalle Exnergasse Vienna (2008), ZKM, Karlsruhe (2008), White Colums, New York (2008), Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami and Henry Art Gallery, Seattle (2007), ICA Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania and The Power Plant, Toronto (2006) and Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, Stuttgart (2006).
For further information or images please contact Martin Rasmussen: +44 (0)20 7729 9888 or: martin@vilmagold.com
Vilma Gold
Michaela Eichwald
The Classical
06 Sep – 04 Oct 2009