Currently living and working in London with synthetic twin sister and ‘collaborator’ Dolly Brown, Jemima Brown’s practice comprises sculpture, photography and video projects. During time spent from 1998-99 working in Los Angeles as an artist in residence, accompanied by Dolly, at the University of California, Los Angeles, Brown’s work became more of a ‘collaboration’ with Dolly. Against the odds Jemima sought an active role for her ‘clone’ in the making of the work, an endeavour which often appeared desperate or foolish, given that Dolly is a plastic doll cobbled together from sex doll parts, mannequin limbs and cast body parts from Jemima. Dolly developed from her role as a ‘puppet’ as Jemima began to put her in situations where she could act as a catalyst. Gradually Jemima and Dolly have both moved to the peripheries of the image, and other players – including works shown as sculptures such as the Sex Doll and Safety Man Joe dolls have taken centre stage. In their most recent work both Jemima and Dolly are present as joint authors of the work, but neither are so directly physically apparent in it. In a new series of sculptures a loose family structure of furry and feathered friends is emerging. Duckie, Snotty Little Rat and Cock Boy are combination animal-not quite-children; more overtly nasty are a group of ‘little girl’ dolls, who taking childhood snapshots as their starting point have adult heads (assembled from various cast parts of Jemima and Dolly) on child doll bodies. A series of highly romanticised landscape photos place the Joe Doll in idyllic rural scenes, whilst Big Joe Doll occupies a nastier side of ‘love’. Purry Furry is a ‘cat/lady’, and the only adult doll modelled on Jemima and Dolly. Together Big Joe Doll and Purry Furry might be the parents of the accompanying mutant brood…
For further information or images please contact Martin Rasmussen: +44 (0)20 7729 9888 or: martin@vilmagold.com
Vilma Gold
Jemima & Dolly Brown
03 Nov – 02 Dec 2001