Vilma Gold

Animated Shorts (Project Space)

Fergus Anderson, George Dunning, William Eagar, Jonathan Hogdson, Matthew Hood, Richard Kenworthy, Adam Larkum, Leo Nicholson, Julia Oschatz, Katy Shepherd, Gavin Streetks

28 Apr – 03 Jun 2001

  • Although narrative is only a fragment, as living happily ever after entails quite a lot of subsequent deeds, it is bracketed by an artificial beginning and end. Where art prefers to tantalise or obfuscate, animation tends to show its hand, tell the whole story.

    Take the hero…

    We are all the hero of our own life, with a love interest and time element for tension, and fallibility to make us likeable. These short films have been selected for the beautiful heaps of pathos that accompany their heroes.

    Films by:

    Fergus Anderson
    George Dunning
    William Eagar
    Jonathan Hodgson
    Matthew Hood
    Richard Kenworthy
    Adam Larkum
    Leo Nicholson
    Julia Oschatz
    Katy Shepherd
    Gavin Streetks

    For further information or images please contact Martin Rasmussen: +44 (0)20 7729 9888 or: