American artist Karthik Pandian makes works in moving image and sculpture. His process is defined by a particular approach to vision: how to recognize the play of time, labor, and meaning in things. He transforms material and arranges seemingly disparate objects to render that play more visible.
The Incomparables Club: Reversal, 2013, Rhona Hoffman Gallery, Chicago, Installation view
The Incomparables Club: Reversal, 2013, Rhona Hoffman Gallery, Chicago, Installation view
Untitled (Liberty), 2012, Incision, Liberty print fabric and coffee on found object, 91 x 46 x 4 cm, 36 x 18 x 1.5 ins
Black, White, Red, 2012, 2 sided collage, 31 x 24 cm, 12 x 9 ins
Untitled, 2012, Marrakech Biennale, 5K HMI light in helium-inflated 3.8m vinyl cube, Djemma el-Fna, Marrakech, Photo: R.V. Wiensowski
Untitled, 2012, Marrakech Biennale, 5K HMI light in helium-inflated 3.8m vinyl cube, Djemma el-Fna, Marrakech, Photo: R.V. Wiensowski
Made In L.A., 2012, Los Angeles Biennial, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, Installation View
Made In L.A., 2012, Los Angeles Biennial, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, Installation View
Made In L.A., 2012, Los Angeles Biennial, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, Installation View
Cahokia Byōbu (Broken Screen), 2011, White Flag Projects, St. Louis, Installation View
Cahokia Byōbu (Broken Screen), 2011, White Flag Projects, St. Louis, Installation View
Cahokia Byōbu (Broken Screen), 2011, White Flag Projects, St. Louis, Installation view (sound and light show)
Cahokia Byōbu (Broken Screen), 2011, White Flag Projects, St. Louis, Installation view (detail)
Before the Sun, 2010, Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis, Installation View
Before the Sun, 2010, Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis, Installation View
Before the Sun, 2010, Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis, Installation View
Unearth, 2010, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Installation View
Unearth (detail), 2010, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Lives and works in Los Angeles, CA
1981Born in Los Angeles, CA
2008Art Center College of Design, Pasadena; MFA
2008Staatliche Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste Staedelschule, Frankfurt, Germany
2003Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, BA
Solo Exhibitions
2014Snails and Oysters, Federica Schiavo Gallery, Rome, Italy
Confessions, Betonsalon, Paris, France2013The Incomparables Club: Reversal, Rhona Hoffman Gallery, Chicago
2012Jubilee, Vilma Gold, London
2011Elements of Style, White Flag Projects, St. Louis
2010Unearth, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Before the Sun, Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis (cat.)
1991, Galerie Meyer Kainer, Vienna, Austria2009Darkroom, Richard Telles Fine Art, Los Angeles
Group Exhibitions & Performances (selected)
2016The Great Indoors, Atlas Revisted with Andros Zins-Browne, Kaai Theater, Brussels, Belgium (upcoming)
Screens and Thresholds, Presentation House Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
Atlas Revisited with Andros Zins-Browne, EMPAC in Troy, New York, US
with Paige K. Johnstone, Groupe Mobile, of Villa Vassilieff, Paris, France
2015Levitate, freiraum Q21 INTERNATIONAL/MuseumsQuartier Wien, Vienna, Austria
Close to the Skin, Company Gallery, New York
Adventures of the Black Square Abstract Art and Society, Whitechapel Gallery, London
2014Farm to Table, curated by Michael Bell-Smith, Foxy Production, New York, NY
2013Repertory, curated by Gary Carrion-Murayari, PalazzoCavour, Torino, Italy (ARTISSIMA)
a Fin de La Nuit, Palais de Tokyo, Paris
Trieste Project by Jay Heikes, Marianne Boesky, New York
Film as Sculpture/Sculpture as Film, WIELS Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels2012Made in LA 2012, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles
La Triennale, Intense Proximity, Palais de Tokyo, Paris Trieste, curated by Jay Heikes, Frederica Schiavo, Rome Marrakech Biennale 4, Higher Atlas2011objektiv, Sammlung Haubrok,Berlin The Long Range, ltd, Los Angeles
unExhibit, Generali Foundation, Vienna
Segalega, Zero, Milan
On Forgery: Is One Thing Better Than Another?, LAXART, Los Angeles US EST, Pepin Moore, Los Angeles,2010Musee Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2009Round Up, Richard Telles Fine Art, Los Angeles
2008Space as a Space, Bonelli Contemporary, Los Angeles
2007My Buddy: UCLA New Wight Biennial, New Wight Gallery, Los Angeles
2001Al Nitaq Art Festival, Cairo, Egypt
Selected Screenings
2010Sacrifice of the Banana, Triple Canopy #8, Hue and Cry, online magazine, March
2009Bidoun Video 2009, Dubai, UAE
Migrating Forms, Anthology Film Archives, New York2008Electronic Arts Intermix, New York
2007Father’s Day Erotica, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles
Curious Green, Circus Gallery, Los Angeles
New York Underground Film Festival, New York
Legally: “An Evening in Cuffs”, Hyperion Tavern, Los AngelesSelected Bibliography
2014Berentsen, Mirthe Maria, Reviews in Brief- Karthik Pandian, Betonsalon, Paris, Modern Painters, Vol. 26 Issue 6, June 2014, p. 93
2013Karthik Pandian, Frieze, January - Februarry 2013, p. 166-167
2012Nagesh, Ashitha, Critics Picks, ArtForum Online, 11 October 2012
Pandian Karthik, “Images by Karthik Pandian”, Kaleidoscope, issue 16, Fall 2012, p.88 - 89 Friedman Alex, “Marrakech Drift”, Rhizome online, 22 March 2012, p.2
Jori Finckel, “Culture Monster”, Los Angeles Times, March 14, 2012
Alexandra Domanovic, “Some Like it Hot”, I-D/Art, March 2012, p. 264 - 2652011Brunner, Bettina, “unExhibit”, frieze, issue 139, May 2011, p. 125
Alemani, Cecilia, “Architecture, Archeology, and the Solar Unconscious”, Mousse, issue 27, February/March 2011, p.144 - 149
Ou, Arthur, “Karthik Pandian: Unearth”, Bidoun, Spring 2011, p. 163
Myers, Julian, “Openings: Karthik Pandian”, Artforum, March 2011, p. 255 - 257 Shaw, Anny, “Interview with Karthik Pandian”, Art Newspaper2010Stephenson, Sarah, “Karthik Pandian: Porous Reality, Timeless Architecture”, Art in America, December 17, 2010, artinamericamagazine.com
Kennedy, Randy, “The Week Ahead”, New York Times, Sunday, December 12, 2010, p. 4 AR.
“Dig This”, The New Yorker, December 20 & 27, 2010, p.10.2009Campagnola, Sonia, “Review: Karthik Pandian”, Flash Art, July - September, p. 89.
Berardini, Andrew, “Karthik Pandian at Richard Telles Fine Art,” Artweek, May, pages 18-19.2007Puar, Jasbir, “Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times,” Duke University Press (rep.)
Rowin, Michael Joshua, “New York Underground Film Festival: Poems and Problems, Head Rush (Shorts Program),” The Reverse Shot Blog, April 3, 2007,
www.blogs.indiewire.com.reverseshot/archives/2007_04.html.2001Sullivan, Francesca, “Art Attack,” Egypt’s Insight Magazine, April, pgs. 54- 58. Ryan, Nigel, “Skating on ice,” Al-Ahram Weekly, March 22 - April 8, 2001.
Awards and Grants
2010Durfee Foundation ARC Grant
Graham Foundation Grant, Chicago, IL2008FotoKem Student Filmmaking Grant, Burbank, CA
2003Albert Arnold Bennett Award, Brown University, Provendence, RI
2017Inhabitation, Boghossian Foundation, Villa Empain, Brussels, Belgium (upcoming)